It all starts in the mind.
Your mind is the most powerful and most productive factory in the world. It receives and files thoughts from both physical and spiritual sources. The mind is always at work. It serves as a connecting link between man and the forces of Infinite Intelligence. It should always be kept open and ready to receive visions. It cannot be physically seen or touched. It is, so to speak the computer program written on the inside of man. It acts on what is fed on it (whether it is positive or negative is immaterial). It just acts on what is fed on it.
The things you feed your mind with determine what visions your mind conceives. The mind as the most powerful and most productive factory in the world must be put to good use so as to receive and process wonderful visions.
Whatever success you achieve in real life must have happened first in your mind.
A football team lifting the trophy of the Champions League must have first pictured themselves lifting the trophy before it now happens in real life. Your mind has the ability to draw pictures of what is likely to happen in a later time. For instance, you are reading this book right now because I once pictured you in my mind reading it. You might say, “But you don’t know me in person.” That’s true but if I never pictured you in my mind reading this book, you probably might not be reading it now because I might not have written it at all.
Visions generate from the mind and when a man catches these visions, prepares himself and set to work, he can definitely transform whatever his vision is into its physical equivalent.
However, so many people who think they have a vision only make the mistake of calling a mere wish ‘vision’. Vision in any way does not look like wish. “If only I could” is an example of a wishful statement. Believe me, if wishes were horses, beggars would definitely ride. As we continue, we’d see some facts about visions which distinguish it from a mere wish.
Walt Disney caught the vision to build a place where on weekends, vacations and/or special occasions, parents would take their kids and spend time together. Once he caught the vision, he took into consideration the problems that are likely to bump into his way. He also considered what the merits and advantages are then he set to work, making necessary preparations.
Despite the circumstances that surrounded the birth of Disneyland, it became a success and the problems became history. Walt Disney’s name still remains unforgotten even after he is long gone. Even people who didn’t want to relate with you when you were trying to ensure the survival and realization of your vision would want to be associated with you when your visions become reality. They forget the problems you faced and celebrate your success with you.
Three important lessons in Disney’s story:
1. It started in his mind. He caught the vision and pictured the possibility; what it would be like and how children would love to come and watch Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He thought of the pressure that children would put on their parents so as to come and have fun and watch their favorite cartoon stars.
He must have imagined a child saying to his parents, “Mom! Dad! I want to go and see Mickey and Donald at Disneyland,” and the father replying, “Of course, but you must come home with very good grades first and I promise you we’ll all go to Disneyland this vacation and on your next birthday and any other time you want to.”
2. He considered the problems. He knew definitely that there would be challenges along the line. He even got discouraged by his brother but he realized that all these problems and challenges were too small to kill his dream, too small to kill his vision, so he ignored them all.
3. He prepared and then he set to work on his dream Disneyworld. Disneyworld which was later renamed Disneyland became a success. The Disneyland he pictured in his mind became reality and still exists even long after his demise.
You see, your mind has a lot of work to do in capturing visions but what you feed your mind determines the visions and how efficiently and effectively your mind would sort them out.
If you feed your mind with junks, those junks are most likely to corrupt your visions just like virus corrupts files on the computer. But put your mind to good use and it will act well on your visions and push you to realizing them.
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