Analysis of about 60% of the world’s population live life without a vision. A vision is a thing, idea perceived vividly in the faculty of man’s imagination. It is a desire, dream, aspiration created in the mind of man. Vision is practically what every man must have.
Infinite Intelligence has a way of dropping visions into the mind of man. A vision often comes in the form of an idea. It all begins in the mind. When the mind receives a vision, it is meant to work on it, bring it into practical and transform it into its physical equivalent. The essence of having a vision is that it might be fulfilled to the glory of God who has dropped it in the mind.
A Vision in the mind is like data sent into the computer (where the data is the vision and the computer is the mind). The computer is to work on it, process it until it becomes meaningful information.
When data is sent through the keyboard, it appears on the screen of the monitor; the computer has unseen forces working on the data as they come into it and after every data has been processed, it is then printed out and it gives information. This information, when interpreted into human life is the manifestations of the visions that are punched into your mind from the source of Infinite Intelligence.
Imagine how happy you would feel after typing documents for some time and finally you are able to print and hold in your hands what you have typed. God is always happy when you transform your visions into reality and when you fulfill the purpose for which they were given to you.
Analysis of the several thousands of people who live their lives without a vision live their lives that way not because God had not given them one but could be as a result of the following reasons.
• They could not recognize them.
I have many times inserted a USB device into a computer and an icon pops up saying, “USB not recognized.” That is how it is with many people who live life without a vision.
When the vision for their future, life is dropped in their mind, they fail to recognize them and they live all their lives without a vision. They lack the ability to dream beyond the present so they just struggle all their life.
Failing to recognize one’s visions could be as a result of focusing on less important or irrelevant things and pursuing meaningless goals.
A farmer had a dog that used to sit by the roadside waiting for vehicles to come around. As soon as one came, he would run down the road, barking and trying to overtake it.
One day, a neighbor asked the farmer, “Do you think your dog is ever going to catch a car?”
The farmer replied, “That’s not what bothers me. What bothers me is what he would do with it even if he catches up with it.”
Many people are like that dog pursuing meaningless goals. A dog that is supposed to be a watchdog over his farmer boss’ properties that left to pursue vehicles. Wouldn’t you ask what his business is with vehicles?
Let’s assume that in its course of pursuing vehicles, thief creeps into the farm and steals unnoticed, the dog has actually failed. He has failed to see the vision for which he was on the farm because he was busy pursuing a meaningless goal. People like this get too busy with irrelevant things. There is a very big difference between ‘busyness’ and ‘business.’ Busyness is when you truly are doing something but what you are doing is irrelevant or unnecessary at the time while business is doing what you ought to do when you ought to do them.
Not recognizing one’s visions could also be as a result of breeding a negative mindset and leaving one’s life to chance. When people with negative mindset get visions, they don’t recognize it. They only think it’s one of those crazy thoughts again.
Life without vision could be so meaningless. Do you think you never had a vision? Or at one time or another you have failed to recognize them? Here are few ways with which you can start recognizing them.
1. Sit down and have a rethink about your life. There are three major divisional use of man’s time:
i. The time used for work
ii. The leisure time, and
iii. The time used to think.
The most productive of this major time division is the time used to think. So think about your life and identify what you want out of life. Always open up your mind to receive visions and get ideas. Develop a relationship with your maker and focus on the important things.
2. Have a positive mindset. Think positive always, even when everything seems or looks negative, always think positive. And remember to keep your mind open to ideas. In whatever you do, just maintain a positive mindset. (More of this would be discussed in subsequent chapters).
3. Don’t leave your life to chance. Ask the creator of all to control, guide and direct your life in accordance to His will; not luck, not chance. Consecrate yourself to God and ask for the visions of your expected end.
Stand firm on your feet and declare that you have the ability to control your life on the principles of the Supreme God for effective results. Jack Welch discovered, “If you don’t control your destiny, someone else will.”
Good work Dammie!
ReplyDeleteWHEN TOMMORROW COMES, it should meet us at the points of fulfilment. As the saying goes, 'Think big, start small. act now!
Very true sir, May God grant us longevity enough to fulfill destiny and achieve all that we aspire...Thanks for following and please, KEEP FOLLOWING!!!